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76 Mackey W.C. A Gross-cultural perspective on perceptions of paternalistic

deficiencies in the United. States: The myth of the derelict daddy //Sex Roles. 1985. V. 12. №5—6. P. 513.

77 Подробнее об этом см.: Rossi A.S. A biosocial perspective on parenting; ее

же: Gender and parenthood // American Sociological Review. 1984. V. 49. №1: Ford D.M., Lamb M.E. Sex differences in responsiveness to infants: A. developmental study of psychophysiological and behavioral responses // Child Development. 1978. V. 49. P; The Psychology of sex differences and sex roles / Ed. by J.E. Parsons. Washington 1980.

78 См. обзорные работы: Lamb M.E., Hwang C.P. Maternal attachment and

Mother-nconate bonding. A critical review // Advances in Developmental Psychology. V. 2. Ed. by M.E. Lamb and A.R. Brown. Hillsdale, 1982;

Lamb M.E. The father-child relationship: Л synthesis of biological, evolutionary and social perspectives // Parenting: Its Causes and Consequences, p. 55—73; The father-infant relationship / Ed. by F.A. Pedersen. N. Y., 1980.

79 Rossi A.S. Gender and parenthood. P. 13.

80 Redican W.K. Adu 1 1 male-infant interactions in non-human primates.

81 Klaus M.H., Kennell J.H. Maternal-infant bonding: The impact of early

separation or loss on family development. St. Louis, 1976.

82 Lamb M.E., Hwang C.P. Maternal attachment and mother-neonate bonding.

83 Mackey W.C. A Cross-cultural perspective on perceptions of paternalistic

deficiencils in the Unated States: The myth of the derelict daddy // Sex Roles. March, 1985. V. 12.

84 Hipgrave T. Child rearing by lone fathers // Changing patterns of child-

bearing and child rearing. L., 1981; cp: Nontraditional families: Parenting and child development / Ed. by M.E. Lamb. Hillsdale, 1982.

85 Цит. по: De Mause L. The evolution of childhood // History of Childhood

Quarterly. Spring, 1974. V. 1 №4.

%t>Biller H.B. Paternal deprivation. Lexingtom, 1974.

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