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31.     Media and Politics in Transition: Cultural Identity in the Age of Globalization. Leuven (Belgiе). Acco Leuven- Amersfoort. 1997.

32.     Media Economics: Theory and Practise. Hillsdale. New Jersey – Hove and London. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates publishers. 1993.

33.     Media Ethics. 5th edition. London. Longman. 1997.

Media in transition. М., Факультет журналистики МГУ. 1996.

34.     Nordenstreng C. Professional Ethics: Between Fortress Journalism and Cosmopolitan Democracy. written in May-April 1997 for Festschrift to Denis McQuail.

35.     Paasilinna R. Glasnost and soviet television, a study of the Soviet mass media and its role in society from 1985–1991. YLE/TKMA Painotuotepalvelu, Ekholmin Kirjapaino (Finnish Broadcasting Company). Research report 5/1995.

36.     Sigal I. Internews. http://www.internews.ras.ru/report/tvrus/index.html

37.     Sparks C., Reading A., Communism, Capitalism and the Mass Media. London- Thousand Oaks-New Delhi. SAGE Publications. 1998.

38.     Steel R. Walter Lippmann and the American century. New York. Vintage Books, a Division of Random House. 1981.

39.     Toffler A. Powershift: knowledge, wealth and violence at the end of the 21st century. New York-Toronto-London-Sydney-Auckland. Bantam books. 1991.

40.     Tunstall J., Palmer M. Media Moguls. London-NY. 1991.

41.     Webster F. Theories of the Information Society. Routledge, London and New York. 1998.

42.     Winston Br. Media, Technology and Society. A History: from the Telegraph to the Internet. Routledge. London and New York. 1998.

43.     Wolgensinger J. L'Histoire a la Une: La grande aventure de la Presse. Paris. Decouvertes Gallimard. 1989.

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