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4.         Bertrand C-J. Le Deontologie des medias. Que Sais-Je?. Paris. Universite de Paris-2. 1997.

5.         Breton P., Proulx S. L'explosion de la communication. 2 edition. Paris. La Decoverte. 1996.

6.         Breton P. L'utopie de la communication. La Decoverte. Paris. 1997.

7.         Castells M. The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture:

The Rise of the Network Society. 1996.

The Power of Identity. 1997.

End of Millennium. 1998.

Blackwell Publishers. Malden (Massachusets, USA). Oxford (UK).

8.         Changing media and communications. М., Факультет журналистики МГУ. 1998.

9.         Choamsky N. Media control. Alternative press rview. fall 1993. http://www.worldmedia.com/archive/talks/9103-media-control.html

10.     Cook T.E. Governing with the news: the news media as a political institution. Chicago & London. The University of Chicago press. 1998.

11.     Debord G. Treatise on Secrets: Commentaires sur la societe du spectacle. London: Verso. 1990. В Интернете по адресу: http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/1585/CommentSocietySpectacle.html

12.     Debord G. Society of the spectacle. Black and red. Detroit. 1970. В Интернете на английском и французском по адресу: http//:www.nothingness.org/SI/debord

13.     Flichy P. Une histoire de la communication moderne: espace publique et vie privee. Paris. La Decouverte. 1991.

14.     Global report series. International institute of Communications. 1996.

15.     Gomery D. Who owns the media?//Media Economics: Theory and Practise Hillsdale. New Jersey – Hove and London. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates publishers.1993.

16.     Guillauma Y. La presse en France. 2 edition. Paris. La Decouverte. 1990.

17.     Krug P., Price M. E. Russia.//Media Ownership and Control in the age of convergence.

18.     Last rights: Revisiting Four Theories of the Press. Urbana and Chicago. University of Illinois Press. 1995.

19.     Lauristen M. Contexts of Transition//Return to the Western World: Cultural and Political Perspectives on the Estonian Post-Communist Transition. Tartu, Tartu University Press, 1997.

20.     Levy P. L'Intellegence collective: pour une anthropologie du cyberspace. Paris. La Decouverte. 1994.

21.     Levy P. Сyberculture, Rapport au Conseil de l'Europe. Editions Odile Jacob//Editions du Conseil de l'Europe. Novembre 1997.

22.     Media Economics: Theory and Practice. Edited by Alexander A., Owers J., Caverth R. Hillsdale, New Jersey, Hove and London, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers. 1993.

23.     McChesney R. Corporate Media and the Threat to Democracy. The Open Pamphlet Media Series. New York. Seven Stories press. 1997.

24.     McQuail D. Mass Communication thеory. 2nd edition. SAGE Publications. 1987.

25.     McQuail D. Mass Communication theory. 3rd edition. SAGE Publications. 1994.

26.     McQuail D., Windahl S. Communication models for the study of mass communications. 2 edition. London and New York. Longman. 1993.

27.     McLuhan M. “Understanding media: the extensions of man”. Signet book, published by the New American Library. New York. 1964.

28.     McLuhan: Hot and Cool. А collection of essays with reponses by Marshall MacLuhan. New York. New American Library. 1967.

29.     McNair B. Media in post-Soviet Russia: an overview//European Journal of Communications. vol. 9. 1994.

30.     McNair B. Glasnost, Perestroika, and the Soviet Media. Routledge. 1991.

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